Note: this tutorial is outdated. Check for the latest installation instructions.

Shipyard is a management console for Docker. You can use it to manage deployment of docker images and containers on a number of different machines, but in this post I’m going to show you how to try out shipyard on just your local machine. Be aware that installing shipyard opens up a number of ports on your machine. Make sure these aren’t accessible to the public.

  • 49153 - rethinkDB instance
  • 49154 - rethinkDB cluster
  • 49155 - rethinkDB web interface
  • 4243 - Docker interface
  • 8080 - Shipyard web interface

First make sure you have the latest version of Docker installed (the version in Ubuntu’s repos is often too stale for shipyard). In this setup, based on the shipyard quickstart guide, we’ll be running shipyard inside a docker container. That means it can’t access the docker daemon on your machine directly. So we have make docker listen on port 4243 so that shipyard can access it:

sudo sh -c "echo 'DOCKER_OPTS=\"-H tcp://:4243 -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\"' >> /etc/default/docker"

Now we can run shipyard simply by pulling the necessary docker images from the central index and running them:

docker run -it -d --name shipyard-rethinkdb-data \
	   --entrypoint /bin/bash shipyard/rethinkdb -l

docker run -it -P -d --name shipyard-rethinkdb \
	   --volumes-from shipyard-rethinkdb-data \
	   --restart=always shipyard/rethinkdb

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -d --name shipyard \
	   --link shipyard-rethinkdb:rethinkdb \
	   --restart=always shipyard/shipyard

Your shipyard is now up and running. You can access the web interface at  http://localhost:8080. We can also access shipyard by CLI. For this we simply run another container. You might want to save this command to a script or alias to make it easier to remember.

docker run --rm -it shipyard/shipyard-cli

Once you’re on the CLI, you need to login to the shipyard instance we’ve just setup. Remember: the CLI is running inside a separate container, with no direct access to either your host machine or the shipyard server. To access either, we need to use your host machine’s public or local network IP address. You can find the latter by running ifconfig and looking at the inet addr for your network connection (usually eth0).

Run shipyard login. For host use the IP address you just found and port 8080. E.g.: The default user is admin with passwordshipyard. Once you’ve logged into the CLI or Web interface, we still need to connect our localhost docker daemon to shipyard (remember that shipyard can’t directly access your machine from inside its container). In the web interface you can go to the engines tab. From the CLI you can run this:

shipyard add-engine --id 'localhost' \
		 --addr 'http://[your-ip]:4243' \
		 --cpus '1.0' --memory '1024' \
		 --label 'local' --label 'dev'

Now that you have your shipyard set up and pointed at your local machine, you should already be able to see several running containers, like shipyard itself. You can add new containers by clicking “Deploy”. If you want, you can also manage other servers running docker by adding them to the engines. But be sure to secure your connection! This post will tell you how to expose the docker daemon securely.